It’s not a dungeon, it's a Fun-geon!
Players: 1 - 4 with 1 copy, 2 - 8 with another copy or expansion
Length: 20 - 40 minutes
Ages: 8+
Type: Drafting, Push Your Luck, Strategy, Card Synergy
Market: Light Gamers, Families, Whimsical
Fungeon is a game of push-your-luck candy grabbing. Everyone plays with a drafted party of Friends and travels through 5 different adventures. In each area players will use their Friends for helpful abilities.
But beware, adventures are dangerous and if you don’t leave in time, you get nothing! However, If a player leaves with their loot too early, they make the looting even better for those that stay behind. Prizes add a variety of play, from more candy, to altering the rules of the game.
Fungeon is designed for future expansions of Friends, Prizes, and even different Adventures. The first adventure is the Big Rock Candy Mountain! Home to trolls, falling rocks, and a variety of minor dangers.

This is the current sell sheet for Fungeon.